Van Morrison – Memory Lane (2016)

And I’m standing in the pouring rain
There’s something moving, moving in the shadows
And it’s getting dark now, up on Memory Lane

Non è necessario essere fan di Van Morrison per rimanere colpiti da questa bella ma struggente canzone. Il testo, emotivamente forte, coincide perfettamente con la brillante melodia.

Memory Lane è uno dei brani inseriti nell’album Keep me singing, uscito nell’ottobre del 2016. Trentaseiesimo album discografico del musicista nordirlandese che vede il contributo di diversi sound come il folk, jazz, blues, country, ska, rhythm and blues…

Tra i vari brani, Memory Lane è uno di quelli che non passano inosservati. “Quattro minuti su base d’archi, tono introspettivo e Van che, come suggerisce il titolo, rimugina sul passato e forse vede un futuro buio”, scrive Gagarin Magazine.

Buona degustazione musicale!

“Memory Lane”

It’s Autumn here, going on November
I view the leaves in all their splendour
Is it déjà vu, I just can’t remember
I stop a while and take in the scene

I stop a while and ask a stranger
Is this the place that was once called Memory Lane
I don’t know where I am or what I’m after
I’m stuck here again back on Memory Lane

Now the leaves are falling and it’s coming on to Winter
Nights keep getting shorter and shorter every day
One sign up ahead says ‘DANGER’
Another one says ‘STOP’

And it swerves and moves around the corners
And there’s flashing lights up ahead ‘round the bend
The road curves and twists and turns
And twists and turns and wanders
‘Til you get, ‘ til you get to the very end

Now I’m back here again with more questions than answers
And I’m standing in the pouring rain
There’s something moving, moving in the shadows
And it’s getting dark now, up on Memory Lane

I stop a while and ask some strangers
Is this the place that was once called Memory Lane
I don’t know where I am, don’t know what I’m after
I’m stuck here back on Memory Lane

I stop a while and ask some strangers
Is this the place that was once called Memory Lane
Don’t know where I am right now or what I’m after
I’m stuck here up, just up on Memory Lane
I’m stuck here up, back on Memory Lane
I’m stuck here back up on Memory Lane
I’m stuck here back, back up on Memory Lane

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